What's the Problem?
Biogas production technology has a very low participation in the world energy matrix, its value is close to 0.2%. Currently its grow is limitated mainly due to the biological diversity and biochemical complexity involved on the process, that results on a low stability and efficiency system. All of this has a negative impact on the amount of energy produced and midterm predictability of the plant. Therefore, the need of a BIOTECH SOLUTION to optimize this type of technology in magnitude and performance is growing.

How are they Solving it?
To overcome this technological barrier HIAMET is developing the first biotech product in the biogas additive industry. HIAMET will combine an optimal mix of specific nutrients, agents that eliminate process inhibitors and specially selected microorganisms, with physical improves to increase its performance. By applying this cocktail regularly into the biodigester, the specific microorganisms will increase and maintain an optimal microbiology community obtaining as result: -More Efficiency, reflected on the amount of energy produced (30-40%) or by reducing biomass inputs needs (corn-sorghum-glycerin). -More Stability (diminishing plant stops risk). -Higher Biofertilizer Quality (a better mineralization of organic matter).