Nunatak Biotech
case study
Plant-microorganism partnerships for soil restoration

What's the Problem?

Human activity is critically dependent on energy and minerals. So far, 80% of global energy comes from burning fossil fuels. Numerous initiatives have been launched to promote an energy transition to cleaner sources. The growing demand for minerals and materials in clean technology projects a significant 500% increase in production by 2050. In this constant evolution towards renewable technologies, the demand for minerals and materials is having a negative impact on soil. Today, industries do not have efficient solutions available to recover these soils. Physicochemical methods transfer much of the pollution to the air, bioremediation is not efficient because microorganisms need an environment and conditions for their survival, and phytoremediation has the difficulty of effective implantation.

Nunatak Biotech
Nunatak Biotech
Nunatak Biotech
Nunatak Biotech

How are they Solving it?

At Nunatak we design plant-microorganism partnerships specific to a variety of affected environments. We do this by building a biotechnology platform that draws on a unique and ever-expanding database. By integrating information on soils, plant species, fungi and bacteria, we improve the ability to identify the best plant-microorganism interactions, allowing us to develop nature-based products such as inoculated seeds designed to thrive in the most extreme environments. The benefits of our solution allow: removing pollutants in adverse conditions, transforming contaminated soil into living soil, increasing its value, sequestering carbon, and increasing its biomass and biodiversity. Our story was born in the most conserved environment on Earth: Antarctica, where part of Nunatak remedied soil contaminated by hydrocarbons in adverse conditions by developing technology, using the nature of the place.


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